Pinnacle Method ON-Demand Course
*The original Supply & Demand Market Timing Strategy
This course is delivered by the developer of the Pinnacle Method, Sam Seiden. It is structured in an e-learning management system, which is broken up into 15-30 minute modules for your ease in consuming and reviewing the sections. Lesson Modules are followed by demonstrations in the markets.
Live interactive Q&A sessions are provided to address specific course-related questions and practice concepts. These sessions will be led by various Market Specialists every month.
The Forum, our flagship live pre-market trading and analysis session, takes place daily at 8:15 AM (EST). The primary host for this session is Sam Seiden, the developer of the original proprietary Supply & Demand Market Timing Strategy. The focus of the Forum is to identify significant market turning points and market moves in all the major global markets with primary focus on major Stock markets: Equity ETF’s, Stocks, and Equity Index Futures. Sam and the team offer actionable opportunities on the Stock, Options, ETF’s, Futures, Crypto, Forex, and Bond markets. The Forum offers opportunity for day traders, swing traders, and longer-term investors. In addition, opportunities are covered and explained so you can understand strategy, logic, and rules behind the action.
The Forum sessions last up to an hour in duration, and are recorded for members who are unavailable to attend live.
Smart Picks
Smart Picks are educational trading opportunities that help members learn while they trade and invest, by explaining the ‘logic’ and the ‘setup’. They include key supply & demand zones, profit zones, and fair value areas to determine entry, protective stop, and profit target.
Opportunities include Stocks, ETFs, Options, Futures, Forex, and Crypto for day trading, swing trading, and longer-term investing.
Smart Picks will available on the Member Dashboard starting January 2024.
Pinnacle Pointers Newsletter
The Pinnacle Pointers Newsletter is an insightful newsletter focused on helping you accomplish goals in trading, investing, and life…as we believe the soul purpose for trading & investing is about being able to live your best life.
The newsletter contains education and logic for comprehensive understanding geared to help you develop financial skills that will last a lifetime.
The Pinnacle Pointers Newsletter is delivered quarterly to your email and available on the Member Dashboard.
Asset Programs
Through time-tested, on-demand and on-location courses across all asset-classes, build a solid foundation and understand strategy on how money is really made in the financial markets.
Build a strong foundation as you attend interactive courses that help you develop your market skills across multiple asset classes. You’ll take assessments along the way so you can be confident you’re doing it right.
Apply the Pinnacle Method as you build a foundation in the asset classes that are best suited to fit your financial goals.
*Each Asset program consists of the course along with the corresponding live asset Exchange.
The Exchange is where daily active trading takes place during optimal trading times for each asset class. Our Market Specialists provide trading ideas utilizing our proprietary market timing strategy to identify supply and demand imbalance and execute opportunities with precision.
The Exchange sessions last up to 60 minutes in duration, and is recorded for members who are unavailable to attend live.
The Community Arena is our interactive global community where members come together and share trading and investing ideas, as well as collaborate on financial needs and opportunities. Members are not only able to interact with each other but also with members of the Pinnacle Institute team through screen share and group conversation. The Community Arena enables members to meet collectively as a whole and allows them to network into smaller group meetings focused on specific topics as they choose.
Member Support
The Master Series teaches additional strategies and advanced concepts through LIVE, interactive sessions so members can further develop their skill set and gain a deeper understanding of how professionals trade and invest in the financial markets. Prerequisite for all Master Series Courses requires completion of the Pinnacle Method On-Demand Course.
*Master Series Courses are not included with any membership. Additional purchase required.
1:1 Coaching Sessions
Personalized coaching sessions are designed for the brand new or experienced trader and investor who desires a 1 on 1 experience to accelerate or complement their learning curve.
*1:1 Coaching Sessions are not included with any membership. Additional purchase required.
Pinnacle Memberships
Member Support
Community Arena
Pinnacle Method Course
Asset Course with Exchange
(Stocks, Spot Forex, Futures, Options, Investor)
($1,999 Value)
Smart Picks
(Begin January 2024)
($999 Value)
Pinnacle Pointers Newsletter
Membership Dues:
*If you join during this week of Elevate, these are added to your membership for no additional cost.
For next steps, contact your Membership Specialist at (888) 477-5535
or email
Our Inspiration:
- The Man In The Arena -
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
- Theodore Roosevelt
Trading and Investing in the financial markets is a journey, not a destination. And the number one reason we do anything in life, is done in an effort to live our best life.
At the Pinnacle Institute we believe it is easy to sit in the stands and watch your life go by, but we also know being in the Arena is no easy feat. So we’ve created a community of learning, support, and encouragement as we believe that no one should venture their journey alone.
We invite you to join us in our Arena and take control of your financial future
-The Pinnacle Institute Team